Carl Lüderitz Archive
The German Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility (DGNM) has supported research projects in the fields of neurogastroenterology and gastrointestinal motility since its foundation. The first description of the peristaltic reflex by Dr Carl Lüderitz is regarded as the cradle of neurogastroenterological research.
How it all began
Dr. Carl Ferdinand Lüderitz (1854 - 1930)
Carl Ferdinand Lüderitz - the first to describe the so-called "peristaltic reflex" - studied medicine in Berlin and Jena. For the first 10 years of his medical career, he also worked as a scientist. Among others, he published microbiological papers at the Hygiene Institute of Prof. Robert Koch and papers on experiments at the Physiological Institute of Prof. Johannes Gad.