DGNM Annual Meeting 2024
The Annual Meeting 2024 of the German Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility e.V. will take place from 16 - 18 February 2024 in Freising near Munich. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and would like to invite you to a very special programme already now!
Save the date
Preparations for 2024 are in full swing and we look forward to an outstanding national and international programme in neurogastroenterology and motility! Registration is still open here.

The venue in Freising is the Palottihaus, Pallottinerstraße 2 in 85354 Freising.
Annual Meeting 2024
The annual meeting of the DGNM took place in Freising from 16 to 18 February, where basic and clinical researchers once again presented their current and exciting data on a wide range of scientific questions in neurogastroenterology. The programme included a guest lecture by this year's winner of the Neurogastroenterology Foundation Francois Cossais (Kiel) on the importance of the enteric nervous system in Parkinson's disease and, as every year, the announcement of two Martin Wienbeck travel grants: Melanie Scharr and Nicole Schlecht (Tübingen) will receive support for their trip to the ENS Congress in Philadelphia (USA).
This year's conference included a special symposium with international speakers in honour of the 20th anniversary of the Neurogastroenterology Foundation and in particular its founder Prof. Dr Thomas Frieling, who will retire in 2024. International companions presented their research findings and perspectives on neurogastroenterology, including Hannah Carey, Maggy Curras, Fievos Christofi, Jan Tack and Paul Wade. Prof Frieling established the foundation in 2004 with the aim of supporting young clinical and basic researchers in the field of neurogastroenterology at the beginning of their scientific careers with an annual prize of €1500.
Jutta Keller, the representative of the German society in the ESNM steering committee and Kristin Elfers, a young ESNM steering committee member, actively participated in the meeting, presenting research data and parts of the contents from the SC meeting discussed in Vienna.

Cover photo competition 2024

Every year we look for the cover motif for the invitation card and the program booklet for the next annual conference. The photo should give an insight into the diverse spectrum of neurogastroenterology and motility. The winner will receive free admission to the annual conference and the accommodation costs including meals will be covered (excluding travel expenses).
This year, we would like to congratulate Miriam Bittel, M.Sc. Molecular Sciences, Research Associate at the Clinic for Integrative Medicine and Naturopathy - Department of Science and Research | Social Foundation Bamberg, Chair of Integrative Medicine (Prof. Dr. med. Jost Langhorst) | Faculty of Medicine | University of Duisburg-Essen.
Confocal laser endomicroscopy is a new method for the direct visualization of intestinal barrier function in patients, with which the effects of food components can be investigated for the first time with high spatial and temporal resolution. It therefore has the potential to sustainably expand and improve our understanding and diagnosis of food intolerances - with positive effects on the quality of life of those affected.
The image shows a circular series of images of the gradual manifestation of a food-induced intestinal barrier disorder in the duodenum, detected using probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE Cellvizio® GastroFlex™). (Middle) Endoscopic image of a CLE intervention in the macroscopically inconspicuous duodenum. (Bottom middle) Intact epithelial intestinal barrier recognizable by the dark intestinal lumen and the vascular localization of the previously applied fluorescent contrast agent (white) within the finger-shaped villous architecture. (Bottom left, clockwise) Progressive functional intestinal barrier defect, characterized by darkening of the vessels, detachment of individual enterocytes, loss of epithelial integrity with fluorescein leakage into the intestinal lumen up to complete intestinal barrier defect with darkening of the intestinal villi as a result of fluorescein efflux. (CLE = confocal laserendomicroscopy)