
For natural and legal persons.

Natural and legal persons as well as associations of individuals may become members of the Association. The Board of Directors decides on the admission of a member. All DGNM members are automatically members of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (ESNM) and thus benefit several times over, including receiving free online access to the journal "Neurogastroenterology and Motility"; access data can be obtained directly from the ESNM office.
In addition, DGNM members pay a reduced registration fee for the Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting NeuroGASTRO (#NGM #NeuroGASTRO).

The DGNM membership fee for full membership is € 50.00/year. Students, PhD students and part-time employees are free of charge. However, should a person with "student" status attend the annual DGNM meeting, an amount of € 35.00 will be due, provided overnight accommodation is booked for this purpose.

Der Mitgliedsbeitrag der DGNM beträgt bei einer Vollmitgliedschaft 50,00 €/Jahr. Studenten, Doktoranden und Teilzeitbeschäftigte sind beitragsfrei. Sollte jedoch eine Person mit dem Status „Student“ an der jährlichen DGNM-Jahrestagung teilnehmen, so wird ein Betrag in Höhe von 35,00 € fällig, sofern dafür eine Übernachtung gebucht wird.